Upon reading the current issue of NME, and listening to some of the new bands 2011 has to look forward to, I got far too excited, and decided to practice my dream job, and analyse some musical proteges that will be put into focus in the upcoming months.
1) Four undeniably stunning, and sexy band members, VIVA BROTHER may purr like a cat upon sight, but when handed a few guitars, a drum kit, and a microphone, this band roars like the loudest lion that has been food depraved for as long as he can remember. Possibly 2011's latest addition to 'the kings of the jungle', you can almost taste the steel of the stadiums, lager, and the denim in the air when you listen to VIVA BROTHER play one of their songs, reminiscient of an early Blur, their debut single 'Darling Buds of may' showcases the rough and ready sound that elequantly rolls of lead singer Lee Newell tongue like he was licking an ice cream cornetto on a hot summers day. Fierce he may be, bluntly he may talk, he has the rock star swagger, the rebbelious 'i dont give a fuck attitude', but something tells me this guy lives and breathes his music, a passion that both inspires him, but also affects his no bullshit judgement to many of todays big names. According to Newell, Florence of Florence and the Machine is 'boring old warbling bollocks. She looks like a bloke in a wig.' A roughness that can only add to the sexy allure of that hard attitude of which the husky, growling guitar riff hums throughout their songs, including 'time machine' which evidently shows the effect Oasis had on these four brains of seductive tostestarone. This band, can only be big, they know it, I know it, NME knows it, its time he people heard something that defines an era in music of which as of late is lacking, forget all this fancy prancy pop nonsense, this band has balls, and thesefour men are going to rub these balls in the faces of everyone, thats how big they are going to be.
2)I know i have just forementioned this theme of this emotionally flaky pop malarchy, but as the title suggests, get some new earphones, because you are not going to believe your ears. As Justin Young, lead singer of The Vaccines slurs 'we are a pop band and we want to be a pop band' however, there are no repeats of the bands names, or talks of how she loved him and he mysteriously and surprisingly broke her heart, it is just gritty, straight to the point lyrics carefully placed with a soft surf tune, and a minutely heavy bass guitar that sometimes bubbles to the surface and melts the blood in your veins. In their one of The Vaccines single's, Young asks 'what did you expect from post break up sex?' a question that makes the average young woman feel ridiculously female for sitting crying over how her boyfriend left her for someone else, and subsequently wipes her tears away with the sleave of a new woman, a woman who has finally found solace in pop, rather than be made to feel even more suicidal by the pathetic screams of a man's needy and squeesky voice recalling his own heartbreak. Get over the old pop, and make way for the new, no more pussys, this ones for the almost indies, this ones for the surfers, this ones for the folk, and most importantly, this ones for you.
3) Love the Foals? Spend you mornings shaving your impeccable mustache to Vampire weekend? or how about brushing your teeth to Yeasayer? Well get some more love in your heart, there is a brother band for maths music fans everywhere, just waiting to jump into your heads and cause many new sensations, you never even dreamt of before. This milkshake of fast guitar whips, soft drum kicks, spine tinglingly spikey voice ranges fulfills the hunger for an energetic start to anything. Theres something about WU LYF that mystifies the mind, one minute you feel like you could completely stay in your bed all day and just listen to this band, not even wanting to wash, or eat, just feeding off the energy and optimism these songs provide you, and other times, you want to throw some tye died playsuit on and gayly skip to your nearest tree and make love to it. The whispers of the tunes this band bless us with, completely reflect every mood that could possibly enter your head. The mystery behind this band is also a very seductive element, they hold you back from reality, and therefore entice you into their dreamy world, you want to feel like you are flying? Sit back, close your eyes, and flick 'Lucifer Calling' on, it is a dream.
4) Born from the same womb of such children as Nick Cave and the Bad seeds, and The Raconteurs, Anna Calvi could inspire the weakest of Roman to his battle ground, with the fleurescent voice of velvet, and drum kicks that would entice the bravery out of a rock, theres something about Calvi, that is almost ghostly, the kicks of 'Moulinette' punches your chest harder than Mohammed Ali could ever. Anna Calvi may look like one of Robert Palmers ladies parading around in 'Addicted to Love', but she can sure as hell beat their asses whipping that guitar into shape she holds so close to her, listening to her guitar in I'll Be Your Man, makes you want to eat your earphones it is that delicious. Watch this space, theres a new female artist in town, and she is taking no prisoners.
5) James Blake. Even his name, sends slow, tingling shudders crawling down your spine. You know, you just know you are hearing something when you listen to this guy. He leaves you wanting more, hungry, and hell does he fead you. His soulful voice echoes from the back of your retina right down to the metatarsals in your toes. His songs just completely breathe in all the emotions you are feeling when you listen, and absorb them, its almost like a musical embrace, if there ever was one. Blake completely embezzled all lifes most powerful feelings into his album of the same name as his own, these feelings shoot back into his bloodstream when he listens to them, as he says how 'I have this intense gush of emotion', sealing the approval of all ladies out there that will no doubt be repeating the incident of a fan crying at how beautiful his songs were at a recent gig. Seriously. Intensly mysterious and emotional this guy may be, but hell, theres a lot of emotion to share. Its hard to believe that Blake created this album on his own, in a dark isolated room, just highlighting how connected he is to his own feelings, and entrancing the listener with his melodies, this one will be on the walls of many tean girls, pining after something to connect with, in the midst of their sexual awakening, where sex, drugs, and rock and roll is but a mere lifestyle, and this guy is watching over it all. James Blake.
6) Mellow melodies, and soothing whispers, loud guitars, and cute little indie soundtracks to the summer. YUCK are a sweet little band from a sweet little place called Muswell Hill. Their album, out February 21st promises tracks such as 'rubber' with Max Bloom's guitar constantly growling at the listener while Daniel Blumberg whispers solemly into your ears, certainly something to wash away those January blues, and inhale the new air of 2011. A modern day The Cure but in their own right, 'The Base of a dream is empty' promises that this album will be constantly played in stores such as Urban Outfitters, and Topshop, who truly acknowledge that optimistic indie whisk that encourages the customers that because this song is cool, they are cool, and therefore should buy some of this stores cool stuff. However, this album is a jewel, and everyone should have a copy.
7) You are in your early teens, boys still make you nervous, you cringe as the boy whos sitting next to you grips your hand with his sweaty fingers, he licks his lips, you take a deep breath, you know its coming, you look into his eyes, and you grin, because youve pictured this a million times in your head, you close your eyes as he brings his pubescent face towards yours, you pannic because youre lips have just gone dry, but in that moment, this intense feeling of elation magically reaches from inside, and you are having your first kiss. And whats playing when you do so? Chapel club somehow take you back to when you first tried everything, like when Archie slaps his victims in RocknRolla, these little beauties take you back to childhood, like a warbling baby, tears filling your eyes, your lips fluttering, and you realise just how old you are. The gin and Tonic of today, 'All The Eastern Girls' Lewis Bowman's London accent skates over the brilliant relationship of instruments that stregnthen the romantic musk that hovers around any Chapel Club song. Want a bit of romantic nostalgia? Get to the nearest music store and buy this hot album, it will amaze you.
8) One of the main reasons why Mark Ronsons made it back in the charts, is his new 'band' The Business INTL, one part of this is the woman jointly behind MDNR, her high pitched milkyvoice, teamed with her and bandmate Peter Wade's love of synths ensures that their songs are upbeat and finger licking good. This is one album to encourage, pop this on in the gym and youll be at your ideal weight in no time, the catchy tunes in 'C.L.U.B' will keep you on the rowing machine right up until the gym closes. Stick 'I Go Away' on in your classroom, and your balding midlife-crisis-doomed teacher will be bopping his wrinkly head to Wade's synth-etic dream, get it? Either way, get this album, and i bet you cant get it out of your head.
9) Spanning from Baltimore, Maryland, and currently based in New York City, Animal Collective is one band I just HAD to fit on this list, out of my own reference. Dream-like songs that tame your bad moods and send them to sleep somewhere, this band is on the midway period between Friendly Fires, and Guillemots. If this band was a complete person, it would probably have attention dephicit disorder it is that energetic, and yet mellowing. 'Bluish' sends you climbing to the highest mountain, and looking down at all those beautiful lights spreading out across the landscape, 'The Softest Voice' is the rush of cold air that kisses your face as you hit the horizon, changing your outlook on life forever. The forming of the band is as beautiful as the music they make, created from childhood friendships, it cements the total precision the bandmates have with one another, completely comfortable, enough to change the formation of the band depending on the song, they are free with each other as the music is free to the listener. The hippy-like aura this band posesses reflects from their love of LSD in their early teens, and from there, as they realised how much it positively affected their sound. Take this album with caution, because it could blow the socks off of a person who is not fully prepared for what they are handling, so buckle up, take a gulp, maybe a cheeky shot of vodka, turn some pretty lights on, shut yourself away from the world, and et voila, you are a 21st century hippy thanks to Animal Collective.